Chops, Hops and Drops
Home Events Chops, Hops and Drops

Chops, Hops and Drops

Every Wednesday

Wednesdays at The Mason’s Arms are all about a tray of  lamb and pork chops to share with a lip smacking garlic parsley butter.

£32 for 2 including a beer or glass of red wine.

Book your table or just turn up. Everyone’s always welcome

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Winter weekending @masonsarmsclanfield #CountryCreatures
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Snug Life 🔥
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Baked Sole @masonsarmsclanfield #CountryCreatures
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Cosy corners and molten soufflés #DoubleRedDuke
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Fancy treating yourself this Winter? Make the most of our best rates and escape to The Duke early this new year #DoubleRedDuke
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Looking for a little reprieve from the festive season? We've got a few low and no-alcohol gems that are perfect for any occasion, at The Duke this January #CountryCreatures
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